May 23, 2017
Is He A Man or Half A Man?
Well, basically because you never know. TW for angst.
Well, basically because you never know. TW for angst.
While we are all waiting for a new Oh No Not Another Podcast, I did this little recording for the hit show, Story Story Lie. It’s a regular event put on by Jo Dworschak. They’ve hosted them in Vancouver (where I performed) and recently in Victoria, BC to a sold out show. I’m sure it […]
Instead of complaining about Valentine’s Day or (VD) I thought I’d share an old love poem
I was in this independent film in the Summer of 2016 written by, Tyler Gilbert. After several months of hard work it’s finished. Here’s how it turned out.
Recently local poet, Shelley Haggard out of Mission, BC, sent me a found poem she made using the titles of Tragically Hip songs. Shelley is a fan of the band and was moved emotionally when she heard about Gord Downie’s health/brain cancer situation. Shelley asked if I would voice the poem for her. I agreed […]
I did an interview with the League of Canadian Poets for their blog about poetry things! Here’s the link. 2016 GOLDEN BERET AWARD WINNER: RC WESLOWSKI
wild dreams of ker-plunk and boggle are the inspiration for this latest batch of two stepping weirdness
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