January 21, 2015
There is a brainstorm coming
There is a brainstorm coming
Many will be unprotected
Expect a number of horrific deaths
Focus will be removed
Bikini lines waxed with Xerox
Photocopier fluid
The pressure is on
The price of stamps is out of control
Ronald McDonald house has been foreclosed
Taken over by a squatter
Grimace is surly and living up to his name
There is a brainstorm coming
This should be a time of team building
Of cultural appropriation
If your group is not physically
Strong enough
Mature enough
Mentally tough enough
Unwilling to appropriate
Then circle the group
Remain silent as nylon
Believe in each other
Or someone will die
If no one dies one of you
Will be sacrificed
A takeout order is recommended
Preferably Chinese Food
Or a samosa
There is a brainstorm coming
And if people are unwilling to work together
Provide a shorter lifespan for participants
Divide the group into smaller groups
Spread rumours
About disease and sexual preferences
Racially profile the alpha males
Blame everything on the vegans
They’ll be the first to die
A brainstorm is coming
Stand guard
Keep the looks out
Stay vigilante
Strengthen the Botox
And the Viagra
Protect the pharmaceuticals
Speak directly into the electric fence
When not spoken to
Exfoliate the fallacies
Perforate the presumptions
Until your cliché is unpredictable
If all else fails
Start again
With one less team member
Their blood will be on your hands
But everything happens for a reason
Even if it’s a bad one